Facilities Management Department

Can You Compare MRU Electrical Consumption To An Average Home?

If you assume an average sized house in 2,000 square feet then Mount Royal is equivalent to 1,252 homes. Now consider that Mount Royal University uses 25,277,769 kilowatts of electricity every year and that an average home uses 7,200 kilowatts.


That means MRU uses as much electricity as 3,511 homes.  In other words, we use 2.8 times more electricity than an average house on a per square foot basis.

2 thoughts on “Can You Compare MRU Electrical Consumption To An Average Home?

  1. What a neat blog. I knew that your dept. did a lot of neat stuff but I did not know how much. Re: single use coffee cups – I would use a regular mug but have the sad habit of breaking them (2 so far) or leaving them around at various places to grow interesting bio. experiments. Also this is the basis for my personal phil. of “what doesn’t kill ya, makes ya stronger!”
    I’ve bookmarked your blog so will check in on it every so often.
    Loved the humour

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