James Stauch, Director of the Institute for Community Prosperity announces the Student Guide to Mapping a System is complete!
“The Student Guide to Mapping a System, which we are proud to say is an MRU-Oxford U co-production, along with Daniela Papi-Thornton’s organization, Systems-Led Leadership. Hats off to Anna as well for her work in helping author and compile. This will be shared with 3000+ students worldwide registered in the Map the System Challenge, and with participating educators at 16 Canadian universities and 19 universities outside of Canada (including Harvard, Yale and Northwestern).” – James Stauch
This twelve step guide will help walk individuals and teams through the process of mapping a system (looking at challenges in a wider context that includes “interacting factors such as economic forces, political movements and global trends”). The guide is intended to provide advice and additional tools for each step of the process, from picking a social or environmental challenge, to presenting the analysis and recommendations whether visually, orally or in written works.
James indicates these publications will remain a public resource (and free to download as a PDF), with the intention to update annually. Please look out for Webinars and workshops in the near future.
Congratulations to Daniela, Anna and James on completing this important publication for students!