Cybersecurity Blog

University of Regina breach due to weak passwords – 05/28/18


Last year when a University of Regina engineering professor was checking grades, he noticed the class average had changed.  When he investigated he found that some students’ grades had been changed and it appeared as though the Dean had done it.  When the Dean was questioned, it was determined that his account had been compromised.

The University has conducted a thorough investigation into the hack over the last year and have determined that weak passwords and the faculty use of default passwords were responsible for the security breach.  The student responsible was expelled.

As a result of the breach, the University has made several changes to their systems and have recommended mandatory training for all employees.

This a reminder to keep your accounts secure with strong passwords that are unique for each account.   If you would like to learn how to create strong passwords that are easy to remember or learn how to easily and safely store passwords, sign up for a workshop, complete the online training or contact me at and I would be happy to help.

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