Cybersecurity Blog

When a stranger calls, it may not be who you think – 07/19/18


Have you checked on the computer? *Tech support scams are the bread and butter of many criminals organizations.  The latest version is rather creative.  It starts with you clicking on something you shouldn’t which installs malware on your machine.

The malware waits for you to type “bank” in the browser. When it sees you going to your banking login page, it redirects you to a fake banking web page that records your credentials while you try to login.  It then slows your computer down making you think there is something wrong with it.  Then a pop up conveniently appears telling you that you have a technical problem and asks you for your name and phone number so tech support can call you.

Surprise, a real life bad guy calls and tries to manipulate you into giving them more information so they can immediately transfer money out of your account. It is a rather slick scam. You would admire them if they weren’t stealing money from you.

This is just another reminder that no legitimate tech support company will ever call you or prompt you to call them.  If you get a 1-800 number,  are offered technical assistance without asking for it or have someone call you to offer help; the stranger is there to help themselves, not you.


*I am hoping you get the reference. If not, this will help.

Source :–Lu3QkGYcRkjzH-KDpYeGQLy41mfHaS4MgK7rbDIoBHwAw0BrbU5HwxlZAioadMBoGis9xB0uePy8yw7mUMBwXdMNC9Q&_hsmi=63936946


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