Cybersecurity Blog

Enabling 2FA on LinkedIn – 03/07/19


Two-factor authentication (2FA) and it’s cousin two-step verification (2SV) ensure that your account stays secure even if your password is compromised.  Not all account providers offer 2FA or 2SV, however LinkedIn does.

To enable 2SV on your LinkedIn account you must first add your phone number to your LinkedIn profile. To add your phone number to LinkedIn:

  1. Login to LinkedIn.
  2. Click your photo. A menu drops down.
  3. Select Settings & Privacy.
  4. Click the Account tab.
  5. Under Login and security, select Phone numbers.
  6. Select Add phone number.
  7. Select Canada from the drop down list.
  8. Enter your phone number into the text box.
  9. Click Send code. A dialog box appears asking for your password.
  10. Enter your password.
  11. Press ENTER on your keyboard. The verification code is sent to your phone.
  12. Enter the verification code into the text box on your computer.
  13. Click Verify.

To enable two-step verification on LinkedIn:

  1. Login to LinkedIn.
  2. Click your photo. A menu drops down.
  3. Select Settings & Privacy.
  4. Click the Account tab.
  5. Select Two-step verification. You may have to scroll down to find it.
  6. Click Turn on. A dialog box appears asking for your password.
  7. Enter your password.
  8. Press ENTER on your keyboard. The verification code is sent to your phone.
  9. Enter the verification code into the text box on your computer.
  10. Click Verify.

Please note that although I have provided step by step instructions, account providers are constantly changing their privacy settings, features and procedures. They like to keep us on our toes. They certainly don’t want us to start feeling comfortable using their tool.  That might lead us to believing  we are in control of our own privacy and security, that would never do.  Am I sounding bitter? So sorry, that won’t do either. Let’s reset. Please check LinkedIn’s help files for the most accurate and up to date instructions on how to enable 2SV as these instructions may become obsolete before they are even published. Sorry, I tried to reset. I couldn’t do it. Happy enabling!


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