Cybersecurity Blog

Iranian hacker group using LinkedIn to deliver malware – 08/06/19


FireEye has identified a new phishing campaign targeting oil, gas and energy companies as well as utilities and government organizations. The rather clever criminal contacts victims through LinkedIn claiming to be a researcher at the University of Cambridge. Once contact is made, the victim is offered a job and asked to provide a resume.  As part of the application process, they are also asked to go to to download and fill out a document. Of course once they do, malware is loaded onto their computer.

What makes this campaign so concerning is the assumed legitimacy that comes with using LinkedIn to communicate with potential victims. People tend to trust the platform and therefore trust those that use it to communicate. Unfortunately, this trust is misplaced.

When you are contacted by someone you don’t know on any social media platform, treat that communication with the same skepticism as you do with any email message. Just because they say they are from a trusted organization, does not mean they are.  Before you engage in conversation, call their organization and confirm that they are in fact employed there.  A little homework can save a lot of headache.


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