Cybersecurity Blog

When to use your email address – 01/27/20


In today’s modern world, the lines between our personal lives and our work or school lives often becomes blurred. We are shopping on Amazon on our lunch hour and answering University emails from our laptop at home.  This often makes it difficult to determine when you should use your email to sign up for an account or service and when you should use your personal email.

A good guideline is to use your personal email address for anything that you want to use or have access to even if you aren’t working or attending Mount Royal University. For those services and accounts that you will only access WHILE working or attending the University, use your email address.

When sending university related emails, use your account. It reduces the chances your email will be mistaken for a phishing attempt and reported to

Following these guidelines reduces our network’s exposure and vulnerability. It also makes it easier for you to maintain access to services and accounts when you retire, graduate or work for another organization.  In addition, it means you will get fewer notifications from us that your email was part of a data breach. Less work for us, less hassle for you…everybody wins!


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