AD/HD Friendly Careers?
Factoring in Passion, Strengths, and Personal Challenges
Depending on the demands of the job and the environment, workplace functioning can be highly impacted by ADHD. The possible financial, emotional, and relationship costs of poor workplace functioning can be very high (Ramsay, 2010). Although there are no ADHD-specific careers, students can ask themselves important questions to help them make career choices that build on their strengths and allow them to work in contexts and settings that are more likely to allow these strengths to be realized. The following books may be helpful:
- Nadeau, K.(1996). Adventures in Fast Forward: Life, Love and Work for the ADD adult. New York: Routledge.
- Nadeau, K.(1997). ADD in the Workplace. New York: Brunner Routledge.
These books will be outdated for references to occupations. However, they may give you some ideas about the qualities about yourself and an occupation that you might want to consider as plan your education and career path. To give you an idea of what is meant by this, see the career planning example. Also, for self-assessment exercises and information about how to access the most current resources for career planning, attend the Career Passion Workshop through Student Counselling.