Perspectives on ADHD
Here are some varying perspectives for you to consider as you develop your own perspective.
Documentary: ADD and Loving It
This is a one hour documentary where Patrick McKenna talks to researchers, specialists, doctors and others dealing with the challenges of ADHD. McKenna also shares his own experience of a late diagnosis and how this changed his life. The full PBS documentary is now available online.
ADD and Not Loving It?
Russell Barkley, often identified as the foremost expert on AD/HD, draws on the evidence from research to claim that AD/HD is “not a gift.”
Podcast: The Wonderful World of Bob Broudo
Dr. Hallowell interviews Bob Broudo for this podcast. Bob Broudo is a specialist who supports students whose brains, as he describes it, work a little differently. What is interesting here is a historical perspective on how attitudes to ADHD (and other neurodiversities) have changed over time and the need to flip the script so as to understand how difference might be leveraged rather than treated.