Bissett Insider

David Finch works with several co-authors to expand the Designing YOU brand to include career guides

In 2017, Ray DePaul and David Finch co-authored Designing YOU for our Bissett students. This book, complimentary for all faculty and students, challenges them to apply the principles of product design to their lives. Over the past year, David has had the opportunity to work with a wide range of MRU authors in developing an entire series of Designing YOU Career Guides to support students’ work down very specific career paths. These guides explore some of the crucial questions facing anyone exploring their future:

  • What are the different careers options?
  • What does it take to be a professional in a specific area?
  • What’s the future of different professions and what does this mean to our students?
  • How have other professionals got to where they are today?
  • And the inevitable… how much money can they make doing different jobs?

Since September, David has co-authored six career guides with MRU faculty, with three more on the way:

  • Broadcast Media YOU* with  Brad Clark
  • Computing YOU with Michael Uzoka and Janet Miller
  • English Major YOU with Bill Bunn
  • Journalism YOU with Janice Paskey
  • Marketing YOU with Sharon McIntyre and Ray DePaul
  • Psychology YOU* with Evelyn Field and Janet Miller
  • Public Relations YOU* with Jane McNichol
  • Sport & Recreation YOU with David Legg and Julie Booke
  • Supply Chain Management YOU with Brian Fleming

*To be released by June 1.

All eBooks in the Designing YOU series are in the Creative Commons and available complimentary to students and educators at

In the next step, David and Ray are collaborating with their colleagues and students in broadcast media studies to develop a series of pilot Designing YOU podcasts profiling MRU alumni from a range of fields.

If you’re interested in enquiring about the process to develop a Designing YOU Career Guide for your discipline, please contact David at

Congratulations to David, Ray and all of their  co-authors. We look forward to hearing and learning more about Designing You!

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