Bissett Insider

Bissett finance professor, Tashfeen Hussain has research papers accepted for publication

Congratulations to Tashfeen Hussain,PhD, for having his research recognized. The first paper titled, Total productivity and cost efficiency dynamics of US merging banks:  a non-parametric approach (Jaml Ali, PhD;  Nacuer Essadam, PhD,  and Tashfeen Hussain, PhD), has been accepted to the Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance.

Abstract:   This paper investigates the productivity characteristics and cost efficiency dynamics of US acquiring banks over the period from 1992 to 2003. The findings show that large merging banks tend to have the same productivity scores compared to their peer banks. Small merging banks, on the other hand, experienced lower productivity than their peers. The source of the acquirers’ productivity seems to be the efficiency change rather than the frontier shift. Cost efficiency results show that small and large merging banks maintained higher cost efficiencies over their peers for the whole period motivated by higher technical efficiency scores, meaning that the large acquirers’ ability to maximize their outputs given fixed inputs is best relative to merging and non-merging banks of different sizes. The principal component analysis of the cost efficiency sub-components indicate that the merging banks principal cost efficiency components are mainly of technical and pure technical efficiencies but after the merger, allocative efficiency increased substantially at the expense of technical and pure technical efficiencies, while the peer banks cost efficiency remained totally dependent on technical and pure technical efficiencies.

Also, Tashfeen has recently presented his working paper, titled, Do credit default swaps impact lenders’ monitoring of loans? at the Academy of Economics and Finance Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, earlier this month. Tashfeen received FDC funding to attend the conference.

Congratulations Tashfeen, the faculty looks forward to more of your research.

Networking Day 2020: A direct link to the workforce

January 30th seen the latest edition of the Networking Day 2020: A direct link to the workforce  and it was a big success!

Focusing the workshops on building interpersonal skills to aid in effective networking, and providing a conduit to companies actively recruiting through the Career Expo, provided the experiential impact that Bissett School of Business offers our students.

On behalf of the Bissett and Communications Studies faculties, we thank the organization committee, the many faculty, students and staff volunteers as well as our valued alumni for their participation.

ND – Workshop
ND – Finance Workshop
ND – Workshop
ND – Career Expo
ND – Career Expo
ND- Career Expo
ND – Roderick Mah
ND- Supply Chain Breakfast

Bissett International Business professors Cotae and Musabende participate in international conferences

 Jacqueline Musabende, PhD,  and Frank Cotae, PhD,  have been invited to participate and showcase their research on “Experiential Learning and DFMAS Applicability to IB Curriculum” at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) – 12th UNCTAD Debt Management Conference– held in Geneva, Switzerland (November 18-20, 2019).
Jacqueline has recently received an invitation as a guest speaker and panelist at the Overseas Development Institute to be held on Feb 26 and 27, 2020 in London, UK. Jacqueline will showcase her research on “Public Financial Management Reforms and IFMIS in Africa.”
Students in INBU 3302 (International Marketing), taught by Jacqueline, have been enrolled in an experiential exercise with Cuso International that will result in a large scale parks and water purification projects in Honduras. The Virtual Reality Tours designed by students will be featured on the National TV in Honduras.
Congratulations to Jacqueline and Frank for their continued research, student engagement and initiatives!

Bissett professor Jim Fischer busy mentoring students in the annual Stock Market Competition and with his research projects

The academic year is always an exciting time of year for finance students as the much anticipated Annual Bissett Stock Market Competition is well underway! The 14th edition of the annual competition has thirteen teams of three competing for the right to have their names added to the revered trophy which resides in the Bissett office. Teams have until the end of March to test themselves in both Canadian and US stock markets. With a variety of strategies in play, including buy-and-hold, frequent trading, and the inclusion of options and margin in the mix, it is shaping up to be an exciting time for participants. This is another great example of how Bissett School of Business offers students impactful learning opportunities through experiential opportunities. Thanks for your leadership Jim!
In terms of his research endeavors, Jim Fischer was in Minneapolis during reading week to present his paper “Modern Portfolio Theory and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis: How Well Did They Serve Canada’s Baby-boom Generation? to the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Financial Services. The meeting is held annually in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the Financial Planning Association, attracting a large number of academics as well as industry practitioners.
Abstract: Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) and the Efficient Markets Hypothesis (EMH) have influenced portfolio management strategies for an entire generation. Taking the example of an average Canadian family from 1977 to 2016, this paper examines how well MPT and EMH served the baby-boom generation of investors. A model investing strategy was constructed based on the principles of MPT and EMH. The strategy was evaluated for its ability to adequately provide for the subject couple in retirement. Results of this portfolio were compared to other popular investment alternatives. Using generally-accepted rules-of-thumb in financial planning, the MPT strategy was found to have provided an adequate retirement income for the subject couple. Some of the other strategies moderately exceeded the returns of the MPT strategy, while others under performed this benchmark. Analysis of these discrepancies reinforced the significance of diversification and of re-balancing portfolios through dynamic asset allocation.

Bissett INBU Professors, Cotae and Musabende research garners international accolades

Bissett professors, Dr. Jacqueline Musabende and Dr. Frank Cotae have won the Academy of International Business (AIB Annual Meeting 2018) CUIBE Award for Best Paper on International Business Education. The paper title is: “A Student and Instructor Review of Simulations as Experiential Learning Tools for IB Courses.” The award is the highest honour the Academy bestows upon research in undergraduate business education and it is the first time is was granted to researchers from an institution that offers only undergraduate programs.

Dr. Jacqueline Musabende has completed two field policy papers for the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for Public Financial Management Reforms in Namibia and Botswana.

Dr. Jacqueline Musabende and Dr. Frank F. Cotae have been invited by Columbia University and Government of France’s LABEXRefi to present their paper titled “Payment Systems role in Financial Inclusion, Government Policy and Effect in Developing Nations: Evidence from Kenya and Rwanda.” The conference is an event organized by Columbia Centre Alliance – including Columbia University (USA), École Polytechnique (France), Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University (France), SciencesPo (France), LABEXReFi (France), ESCP Europe, l’ENA (France), Le CNAM (France). It is considered the highest ranked international think tank in international relations and international financial regulation. The article supported the Government Reforms, Gender Equality, Poverty Reduction and Empowering Women through Financial Inclusion, All UN SDG goals. Please follow the link for more information:

Associate Professor Melanie Peacock hosts workshop at HR Undefined Conference

Bissett School of business would like to congratulate Associate Professor, Melanie Peacock on her involvement with the conference HR Undefined 2018, recently held in Calgary. The HR Undefined Conference is CPHR Albera’s largest annual event.

Melanie hosted a pre-conference workshop, titled: The Human Resource Professional’s Practical Guide to Change Management.

Melanie will be attending the SHRM18 conference this coming June in Chicago. Melanie will be hosting a conference session: Learning from HR in Canada;  touted as an opportunity to “learn about the innovative practices and emerging HR trends in Canada so you can incorporate leading-edge ideas into your organization.” Melanie has also been appointed as an official conference blogger.

Congratulations Melanie and good luck in Chicago!


Associate Professor Abdulrahman Chikhouni to present paper at conference in Toronto

Bissett congratulates professor Abdulrahman Chikhouni on having his paper, Macro and Micro factors affecting Business Schools Networks, selected for presentation at the Administrative Science Association of Canada(ASAC) 2018 conference in Toronto, this coming May.

Paper Abstract:

This paper investigates the influence of macro and micro factors on the inter-organizational networking behavior of business schools. We are trying to explain the size and the density of the network of business schools by four factors at organizational and country levels. At the organizational level, we are studying the influence of ranking and size of the business school. At the country level, we measure the impact of culture and the R&D expenditure. The network measures are the density and size of the ego network of a business school. We studied the networks of business schools from 26 countries over a five-year (2008-2012) and found that among the four factors, a ranking is the only predictor of its networking measures.

Best of luck in Toronto, Abdul!

Bissett Professors Connie Van der Byl, Kendra Hart and Ryan Parks recognized for their research

Dr. Connie Van der Byl has co-authored a published book chapter:  Van der Byl, C.A. & Grogaard, B. (2018). Chapter 4:  Risk management and adaptation in oil and gas commodity resource markets.  In G. George &  S. Schillebeeckx (Eds) Managing Natural Resources:  Organizational Strategy, Behavior and Dynamics. Cheltenham, United Kingdom:  Edward Elgar Publishing.
Connie’s co-authored paper, Managing the coopetition tension in alliance formation” has been accepted for presentation at 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management which will be held on August 10-14, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois.
Dr. Kendra Hart and Dr. Connie Van der Byl have had their case, “Jupiter Resources:  Strategic positioning and re-branding” accepted to the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada conference May 26 to 29, Ryerson University, Toronto.
Dr. Ryan Parks and Dr. Connie Van der Byl have recently had their case published with Ivey Case Publishing, titled: Lost Creek Angling Co.: Fishing for profits and navigating mission drift.

Bissett Assistant Professor Abdulrahman Chikhouni to present paper at Academy of International Business Conference in Dubai

Bissett would like to congratulate Assistant Professor, Abdulrahman Chikhouni on being selected to present his paper in Dubai, this coming July. The paper titled, Teach a Man to Fish and You Feed Him for a Lifetime” The Influence of FDIs on Entrepreneurship in Developing Nations; Academy of International Business (AIB), Dubai, UAE, July 2-5 2017. (Co-author Raghyd Al hajj, Concordia University)