Phish Bowl

Salary Increase Notification – Mount Royal University 03/04/2024

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What gave it away:


If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:

Report using the PhishAlarm button or by forwarding the email to



Search terms – Salary, increase, approved, Mount, Royal, University, contributions, recoginzing, rewarding, access, increment, payroll, employee, relations, adjustment

COMPENSATION STATEMENT – Randy Harris 02/02/2024

The original message:

What gave it away:


If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:

Report the email by using the PhishAlarm button or forwarding the email to



Search terms – Attached, information, compensation, statement, registrar’s office

Mount Royal University – Tim Rahilly 11/30/2023

The original message:

What gave it away:


If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:

Contact Tim and ask him if he sent the message.



Search terms – Let me know if you have some time now