(your name) – Marc D’Avernas 11/02/2023
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Contact Marc using the contact info found in the MRU internal directory and ask him if he sent the email.
Search terms – vendor, payment, details, balance
Bank info – Accounts Payable – PK Sound 09/27/2023
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Report using the PhishAlarm or by fowarding the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca
Search terms – request, bank information, prompt, response, transaction
Fwd: – Mtroyal 03/01/22
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Report the email using the PhishAlarm button or forward the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca.
Search terms – review, report, attached, password, information, payment
Payment successful, Invoice KDD20220113PK – Tom Tarjon 01/12/22
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Visit the company’s website to find legitimate contact information. Contact them and ask for the status of your account.
Search terms – Xnor, Nort_X, Xfinity, membership, security, maintenance, renewed, charge, receipt, subscription, direct debit, banking
New Message – First Mile Consulting Inc. 07/12/21
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Report the email by using the PhishAlarm button or forwarding the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca.
Search terms – First Mile Consulting, coronavirus, COVID, dead, payment, affidavit, alive, Dan Muller, confirm, permission
Mtroyal New fax from: “BILLINGS MT” – Mtroyal FaxMail 05/13/21
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Report the email by using the PhishAlarm button or forwarding the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca
Search terms – fax, messages, payment, document, authenticate, email, PDF
Invoice Attached – James Johnson 05/01/20
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Click the PhishAlarm button or forward the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca
Search terms – payment, invoice, password, payment, account number, coronavirus
MailChimp Billing: Payment Declined – MailChimp Billing 01/15/19
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Click the PhishAlarm button or forward the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca.
Search terms – MailChimp, payment, declined, grace period, billing
Illegal payment from your site – helpdesk@efitnessandnutrition.com 07/17/19
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Click the PhishAlarm button or forward the email to cybersecurity@mtroyal.ca.
Search terms – transaction, bank statement, shop, store, police
Urgent – Tim Rahilly 01/29/20
The original message:
What gave it away:
If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Call Tim and ask him if he sent the email.
Search terms – Tim, Tim Rahilly, Urgent, vendors, payment