Phish Bowl

You’ve received a new file – 2/27/2024

The original message:

What gave it away:


If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:

Report using the PhishAlarm button or by forwarding the email to



Search terms – OneDrive, document, procurement, online storage

Action Required: Project Proposal – Joanne Klein 08/03/2023

The original message:

What gave it away:

If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:

Contact Joanne and ask her if she sent the email. If you don’t know Joanne or her organization, delete the email.




Search terms – shared, OneDrive, business, file, view

Doc70120 – David Docherty 11/14/18

The original message:

What gave it away:

If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:

Call David and ask him if he sent the email.




Search terms –  David, David Docherty, OneDrive,