UWS2016 Steering Committee
Joe Anderson, History, MRU
Robert Boschman, English, MRU
Terry Dowsett, Sustainable Business Practices, MRU
Alana-Dawn Eirikson, Student Assoc. Sustainability Centre
Liam Haggarty, Indigenous Studies, MRU
Sonja Jakubec, Health and Community Studies, MRU
Steve Kootenay-Jobin, Iniskim Centre, MRU
Margy MacMillan, Library, MRU
Natalie Meisner, English, MRU
Lenore Oler, Logistics Coordinator, MRU
Gwen O’Sullivan, Environmental Sciences, MRU
Logan Pollon (Honours English), MRU
Michael Quinn, AVP, Office of Research, Scholarship, and Community Engagement, MRU
Melanie Rathburn, General Education, MRU
Isabella Sanchez, Student (Midwifery), MRU
Sasha Semenoff, Student (Honours English), MRU
Kelly Trinh, External Relations, MRU
Connie Van der Byl, Dir., Institute for Environmental Sustainability, MRU
Jennifer Whyte, Student (Nursing), MRU