Final year-end payroll and benefits summary – HR Growth Specialist 12/12/2024
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Search terms: Attachment, Q4, 2024, changes, employees
Final adjustments: key employee payroll changes utbwzkgsma – Benefits Planning Manager 11/21/2024
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Search terms: Benefits, planning, manager, email, displayed, Gwarthe
Billing Invoice Paid – Call us +18556052220 from Innovate – Trailblaze Technologies 09/18/2024
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Search terms: Paypal, Zoho, invoice, purchase, transaction
Query about Updating Direct Deposit Information – Tom Durnin 07/10/2024
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If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Contact Tom using the contact information found in the directory and ask him if he sent the email.
Search terms: changes, portal, Tom, Durnin, new, account, information
Salary Increase Notification – Mount Royal University 03/04/2024
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Report using the PhishAlarm button or by forwarding the email to
Search terms – Salary, increase, approved, Mount, Royal, University, contributions, recoginzing, rewarding, access, increment, payroll, employee, relations, adjustment
16.89% Salary Increase Letter 20 July 2023 – Payroll Department 07/20/2023
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If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Email the payroll department using their MRU email address to confirm the legitimacy of he email.
Search terms – notification, salary, increase, percentage, increment, letter, access, summarizing
Salary Increase Notification Letter – Payroll Department 06/23/22
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If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Contact Payroll and ask them if they sent the email.
Search terms – notification, salary increase, access, documents, increment, employee, relations, payroll
Folder “Bonus Increase” has been shared – 06/06/22
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Report the email using the PhishAlarm button or forward the email to
Search terms – bonus, increase, document, salaries
Net – Frank Cotae 15/16/22
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Send an email to Frank using his Mount Royal email address informing him of our payroll change procedures.
Search terms – employee portal, error, message, modify, direct deposit, pay, voided check, account, update
Gross – Francois Nadon 02/07/22
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If you aren’t sure if it is legitimate:
Contact Francois, using his Mount Royal email address.
Search terms – direct, deposit, employee, portal, update, pay, taxes