Campus Alberta – Online Educational Initiative – Open Source Textbook in Applied Logistics Management
We are pleased to report that Campus Alberta has awarded a grant of $77,000 for resources in support of the creation of an online Open Source Textbook in Applied Logistics Management to the Bissett School of Business to cover expenses associated with a project planned for execution between May 2015 and for completion by December 2015.
This project award came in response to an Expression of Interest submitted by Lloyd Ash in January 2015 which was short listed and a full formal proposal submitted in March 2015. The project will see collaborative work headed up by Lloyd Ash and involving a principal coauthor from UBC’s Sauder School of Business, Dr Garland Chow.
The initiative will also include outreach to other programs in supply chain management in Alberta and across Canada and directly provide an open source textbook in Logistics Management that can be used in Bissett’s LSCM 3301 and 3305 courses as well as their online equivalent credit courses offered through MRU’s ContEd collaboration with Bissett that was started last year.