MRU Institute for SoTL

What Students Want You to Know About Conducting SoTL Research

A video of this fantastic keynote at last year’s SoTL Symposium is now online – thank you to Ana Sepulveda, Ranee Drader and Margy MacMillan for sharing their experiences and perspectives about how students can contribute to SoTL work, what they learn, and how faculty can help make it as positive an experience as possible!


These two scholarship of teaching and learning undergraduate student co-investigators talk about why they got involved in SoTL research, describe the projects they’ve worked on and what they’ve learned, and share their perspectives on how faculty and students can work together toward improving student learning. Some key themes from their talk include how they now have a better understanding of what research is and what universities do, how much they were inspired and excited by doing the research and gained confidence by being able to add value to a research project, and also how it taught them life skills such as developing time management skills, learning that setbacks are okay, and balancing work/life/school. However, they also discussed some of the challenges of being in a dual role of a research assistant working for their own professors. Their advice for faculty: be patient and remember that undergraduate students are just learning about research; make students feel comfortable bringing up new ideas yet provide constructive criticism; be flexible and realize that your students still have a life outside of school; realize that the relationship you develop will be different than a professor/student relationship; and remember the importance of place – having a dedicated space and community on campus for doing their work is important for them not only to focus but also to feel supported rather than isolated.


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