Cybersecurity Blog

How do you know for sure your buddy sent you that email? You don’t. – 02/14/18


While navigating the scary world of cyber security, most of us have felt safe clicking on whatever we find in an email from a trusted friend or colleague. After all we know who they are.  However, did you know that it is possible for a cyber criminal to send you an email with your friend’s name and email address sitting in the sender field? That’s right. You can receive an email that appears to come from someone you know, but in reality comes from a criminal.

How is one to determine if the email actually comes from the person who appears to have sent it? If you simply reply to the email and ask, you may be talking to the hacker. If you use any contact information in the email, you may be talking to a hacker. The only way to determine if an email legitimately comes from someone you know is to call them using a phone number you know is legit .  That’s right, you have to pick up a telephone, call them and ask if they sent you the email. I know many of you are shaking at the thought of having to actually have a conversation over the phone, however this is the only sure way to know if the email came from them.

Some of you may be thinking, “Hey I can just email them using an email address that I know is legit”. Problem is, their email account may be compromised and they may not even know it. Others may be thinking, “I can just look for phishing red flags“. You are right, you sure can. However, cyber criminals are getting better and better at constructing emails. There are fewer and fewer red flags to spot.  If you choose not to make the call, you are taking a risk. Make your life less stressful, just pick up the phone. One call can guarantee the click is a safe one.