ADHD in Post-Secondary

Home/About this site

This site is for students, faculty, and staff at post-secondary institutions and anyone else who is interested in understanding the experience of ADHD. Although this website provides some information specific to Mount Royal University, it is intended to be a resource for any post-secondary community. Please share this web address freely as you wish.

Aim: Provide easier access to information specifically relevant to academic success for adult students who have been diagnosed with, or are questioning a diagnosis of, ADHD.

Offers: Basic information on typical ADHD challenges in a post-secondary context, and ideas about how to live well with ADHD.

Author: Mirjam Knapik, Ph.D., R.Psych., Student Counselling Services, Mount Royal University. I have a debt of gratitude to the many students I have worked with who have been willing to share their struggles, experiment with strategies, and share their successes, and who have thereby helped me to become a better counsellor to those with ADHD. Thank you!

Student Authors: Students who would like to support fellow students by sharing their experiences, challenges, strategies, and successes, are invited to author pages. Those who are interested can contact Mirjam at

PLEASE NOTE: Difficulties with attention, concentration, impulsiveness and restlessness, are associated with other conditions. Although screening for ADHD is a good first step, it is not sufficient for a diagnosis. Please pursue a proper assessment if you struggle with these symptoms. For more information, see topics in our assessment section.