
About The Conservatory

OPENING SEPTEMBER 2015: The new Conservatory and Bella Concert Hall.

Mount Royal Conservatory is undertaking a once-in-a-century expansion to build an integrated teaching and performing arts centre on campus at Mount Royal University.

Thanks to the generosity of Calgarian Don Taylor, whose family donated a record $20 million in honour of their family matriarch Mary Belle, and all three levels of government, this massive project will usher in a second century of excellence for the Conservatory.

Established in 1910, the Mount Royal Conservatory has provided instruction to people of all ages and levels of development over much of the past century. The Conservatory is committed to providing quality instruction that sets the standard for similar programs throughout Canada. To this end it has built an outstanding group of instructors, established an extensive visiting artist program, and developed an international presence. Our long-term mandate is to transform the Conservatory into a world-class centre for arts education and training, focusing on youth.

Today, nearly 14,000 registrations represent the close to 5,000 youth each year who take advantage of the exceptional training offered in a variety of credit and non-credit programs, including music, speech arts and theatre.

The Conservatory’s purpose is to nurture the artistic potential within each learner by providing a learning environment in which students of all ages and levels of development can pursue their individual goals.

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